The Three Little Pigs | Kids Story | English | Tamizhan Goals

The Three Little Pigs


Once there was a mummy pig who lived with her three little pigs. One day, she sent them off to seek their fortune. Mummy pig packed some food for the three little pigs. "Remember", she said, "Whatever you do, do it the best way you can. And keep away from the big, bad wolf!"

The three little pigs had lots of fun along the way. Each took his turn to slide down the hill side in a trolley they found and made merry- going 'oink- oink' in delight.

Suddenly, it started raining heavily. "Weneed to buildhouses forourselves", said the three little pigs. So, they went in different directions looking for material to build their houses.

The first little pig built a house of straw. The third pig warned him, "Brother, your house looks good, but I don't think straw-houses can stand a storm, so you better build your house with bricks." But the other two pigs just laughed at him.
The second pig built his house with sticks. The youngest pig warned him too that a stick-house won't be able to face strong winds. Remember, mommy said: "Whatever you do, do it the best way you can." But the second pig paid no heed to his brother's advice.
The third pig was working hard to build a house out of bricks. His brothers made fun of him and said, "You are wasting your time and energy by not building your house with straws or sticks like we did." The youngest pig did not mind his brother's jokes and continued working.

Then one day, there came the bad wolf from the hills. He was known in the region for eating fat little pigs. As he had heard that the three little pigs who had newly arrived were plump, he planned to eat them. Seeing the bad wolf, the three pigs ran to their homes to hide.

The wolf arrived at the straw house and in a loud voice he ordered the pig to come out. The bad wolf said, "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", answered the little pig from inside.
In the next moment, the bad wolf blew hard and brought the whole house down. The little pig was homeless and without guard. He decided to run to his brother's house to save his life. The wolf chased the little pig, laughing.

The two brothers huddled together in fear in the stick-house. They hoped they were safe. The wolf came and said, "Let me in, Let me in, little pigs or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house away!"
"Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins", answered the little pigs from inside. Again, the wolf easily brought down the whole house with just one strong blow of air.

The two brothers ran hard for their dear life as the wolf followed them. They reached the youngest brother's house and shouted, "“Brother, brother, let us in quickly." Their brother quickly opened the door and pulled them inside the brick-house.
The wolf came and proudly huffed and puffed but to his surprise, he was not able to blow the house of bricks down. The wolf soon understood that the I brick-house was strong enough and he could not enter it through the door. But the wolf was a wicked old animal and A thought to himself, "I have an idea."

He climbed up on the roof and planned to enter the brick-house through the chimney over the kitchen. When the youngest pig saw the wolf climbing on the roof, he lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed a large kettle of water over it.
The wolf came down struggling through the chimney and splashed right into the kettle of hot water and screamed, "Oh my back hurts!" The three pigs took the opportunity to beat up the bad wolf with broom and sticks

The wolf quickly climbed up the chimney and ran back to the hills. The bad wolf was never seen again in the region. The three little pigs celebrated their victory over the wolf and the two elder brothers finally learnt their lesson "Whatever you do, do it the best way you can because that's the way to get along in the world."

S.No Vocabularies Tamil Meanings
1 Fortune அதிர்ஷ்டம்
2 Remember நினைவில் கொள்ளுங்கள்
3 Delight மகிழ்ச்சி
4 Material பொருள்
5 Bricks செங்கற்கள்
6 Wasting வீணாக்குகிறது
7 Plump குண்டாக
8 Fear பயம்
9 Wicked பொல்லாத
10 Roof கூரை
11 Climbed ஏறியது
12 Fortune அதிர்ஷ்டம்
13 Struggling போராடுகிறது
14 Splashed தெறித்தது
15 Screamed கத்தினான்
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