Sleeping Beauty | Kids Story | English | Tamizhan Goals

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Once there lived a kind-hearted king and a queen in a far-away Itand. They had all the riches one could ask for and their subjects dearly loved them. But there was something that pained them greatly. The queen was not able to bear a child. So, they prayed to the God every day to bless them with a child.

At last, their prayers were answered and they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. The king said, "God has listened to our prayers, dear queen. Look, how beautiful our daughter is." They could not miss a moment away from the child and showered her with their love and care.

The king and the queen wanted to celebrate the birth of their daughter. They decided to announce a grand celebration and invited all the good fairies to seek their blessings for their beautiful princess. The good fairies arrived on the day of the celebration and each one blessed the little girl to grow up, be kind-hearted, intelligent and beautiful.

But the king and the queen had accidentally missed to invite the witch- fairy. When the witch-fairy got to know about the celebration, she was very for insulting me angry. “They will pay like this", she said.

The witch-fairy arrived at the celebration in anger and said, "Here is my curse, for forgetting to invite me, when your little princess grows up, she will injure herself with a spindle and will die." Saying so, she left as suddenly as she arrived.

The king and the queen were helpless and hurt. But a good fairy stepped in and uttered some magical words,"With my power, I replace the death curse with many years of sleep." She told the king and the queen, that the curse would apply to everyone in the castle, and it would break only when a handsome prince will kiss the princess' hand.

The king was very sad and at once gave out an order, "Iforbid the use of spindle throughout the kingdom from now on." The king's soldiers quickly spread the news of the new order and every spindle in the country was destroyed.

The king and the queen prayed for the safety of their only daughter every day and night. But one day, the Princess, on her eighteenth birthday, wandered through the castle, and came into a room where an old servant was using a spindle.

Over the years, the king's order had faded away from the people's mind. The princess had never seen a spindle before. She politely asked the woman, "May I work on the spindle?" And the old servant agreed.

The princess began working on the spindle. Suddenly, the thing that the king and the queen were most afraid of happened. The princess pricked her finger on the spindle and cried, “What is happening to me?" The princess soon fainted and fell to the ground. The witch's words had indeed come true. The witch-fairy's spell started working. One after the other, every single soldier, minister in the castle began losing consciousness. They were never to get up until their princess did. A gloomy silence fell on the whole castle. Hundreds of years passed. The castle remained deserted. The trees grew tall in the castle grounds. The bushes became thick, the grass covered the courtyards and the creepers spread up the walls. A dense forest grew up that hid the castle from view. Then one fine day, a handsome prince of a distant land, who had heard of the curse, braved the woods and entered the castle.

The prince reached the room where the princess lay unconscious. He saw the princess and was amazed to see how beautiful she was. "She is the most beautiful girl Ihave ever seen," thought the prince.He fell down on his knees and kissed the princess' hand with full love for her in his heart. At that moment, the spell broke. Everyone in the castle rose to their feet, but couldn't realized what had happened. The princess looked into the eyes of the prince and said, "I hoped you would come one day." The prince asked her, "Will you marry me, O princess?" And the princess agreed. Soon, the prince married the princess amidst celebrations and they lived happily ever after.

S.No Vocabularies Tamil Meanings
1 Intelligent புத்திசாலி
2 Accidentally தற்செயலாக
3 Insulting அவமதிக்குà®®்
4 Arrived வந்து சேà®°்ந்தது
5 Anger கோபம்
6 Injure காயம்
7 Spindle சுழல்
8 Curse சாபம்
9 Uttered உச்சரிக்கப்பட்டது
10 Forbid தடை
11 Wandered அலைந்து திà®°ிந்தது
12 Castle கோட்டை
13 Faded வாடி
14 Dense அடர்த்தியான
15 Amidst இடையில்
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