Tom Thumb | Kids Story | English | Tamizhan Goals

Tom Thumb

Tom Thumb

Once there lived a woodman with his wife . They had no child and so felt very lonely and sad . One day while praying before the Almighty , the wife declared , " Even if my child is as small as a thumb , I would love him as much as the parents of a normal child . " Hence , the Almighty fulfilled her wish just in the way she had desired . Soon she gave birth to a baby boy

who did not grow and remained as tiny as a thumb as he was at the time of the birth . The woodman and his wife called him as Tom and because of his tiny size people started calling him Tom Thumb . Tom's father usually goes to the forest to cut woods on his horse cart . One day he also went with him and requested his father to let him drive the cart . As his father allowed , he sat in the horse's ear to give it directions . Two passersby , who were surprised to see the cart moving on its own , decided to follow the cart . After taking a small ride , Tom came back where his father was cutting the woods and said loudly to his father to put him down from the cart .

As such , he swiftly took Tom out from the horse's ear and put him down on a straw . The two passersby , who were following the cart , thought of purchasing Tom so as to make good money in the city by showing such a tiny boy to the people . They offered Tom's father a good amount of money to purchase Tom , but he refused to sell his son . Tom requested his father to let him

go with the strangers promising to come back soon . The woodman agreed and Tom left with the strangers . At night , the two men stopped to take rest at a suitable place . Tom sheltered inside a shell . He heard them planning to rob a priest . In order to save the priest , he requested them to take him along . At midnight , the two men took Tom to the priest's house . Tom entered one room and asked the two men loudly whether they wanted to steal all the things . Hearing the noise , the maid got up and started shouting that someone has entered the house . The priest came but could not find any outsider inside the house and scolded the maid for disturbing

him . The two men rushed away and Tom who was tired slept on a heap of hay . Next morning , the maid took that heap of hay to feed the cow who swallowed Tom Thumb along with the hay . When the maid came to milk the cow , Tom started shouting from inside the cow's stomach . She recognised the voice and called the priest out . The priest initially scolded her , but when she insisted he came out .

He also heard the voice and felt that the cow is under some black magic influence . He got the cow killed and threw it away . The cow was eaten up by a large wolf . Now Tom was inside wolf's belly . Tom guided the wolf to his own house promising him to get plenty of tasty food . He took him to the kitchen where he ate too much . As such , he was unable to move . Now , Tom started shouting inside his belly . Tom's parents woke up and came to the kitchen from

where the noise was coming . They saw a huge fat wolf inside the kitchen . Father carried an axe and mother took a scythe . Hearing his parents voice in the kitchen , Tom cried , “ I am inside the wolf's stomach ! " The father killed the wolf with his mighty blow of axe . Then , they cut the stomach of the wolf and pulled out Tom carefully . Tears of happiness came to everyone's eyes .

S.No Vocabularies Tamil Meanings
1 Almighty சர்வவல்லவர்
2 Thumb கட்டைவிரல்
3 Sat அமர்ந்தாà®°்
4 Swiftly விà®°ைவாக
5 Refused மறுத்துவிட்டாà®°்
6 Strangers அந்நியர்கள்
7 Sheltered தங்குà®®ிடம்
8 Rob கொள்ளை
9 Priest பாதிà®°ியாà®°்
10 Shouting கூச்சலிடுகிறது
11 Scolded திட்டினேன்
12 Influence செல்வாக்கு
13 Axe கோடரி
14 Scythe à®…à®°ிவாள்
15 Blow அடி
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