Features of Collegiate Departments Student and Faculties Attendance Management System / IJIRE Publication / ISSN No:2582-8746

Author Name: RAMESH. S, Department of Information Technology, Arignar Anna Govt Arts College, Cheyyar, Tamilnadu, India
Published Month : July-August
Year of Publishing : 2022
Article Type : Research

ABSTRACT Collegiate Departments of Student and Faculties Attendance Management System deals with maintenance of students. It creates a student arrival based on the class. It maintains daily basis, the employees will be given to the username and password for employees to create the student arrival. Staff who’s handling the particular course is responsible for all students. The report will only be calculated if the student and faculty poses the specific date, student, faculty, monthly and coordination is based on the arrival report.

Keywords: Attendance System, Collegiate Departments, Student Reports.

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